সপ্তম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Right forms of verbs (23)

সপ্তম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the brackets. Question ‘a’ and ‘e’ have special instructions in the brackets for the use of the verbs.

23. Once upon a time there (a) _____ (‘live’ in the past) a very clever fox. He (b) _____ (live) in a jungle in a very hot county just like Bangladesh. One day, when Mr. Fox (c) _____ (walk) through the jungle, he (d) _____ (fall) into a trap. He (e) _____ (‘land’ in the past) on his tail. When he (f) _____ (get) out of the trap, he left his tail behind. Without his tail Mr. Fox (g) _____ (look) very strange and he felt very sad and ashamed. ‘What am I going to do?’ he cried. But Mr. Fox. was very clever. He thought and thought. Then Mr. Fox had a good idea, so he made a plan. ‘I (h) _____ (go) to ask all the foxes to come to a meeting in the jungle,’ he said to himself.

Answer: a. lived; b. lived; c. was walking; d. fell; e. landed; f. got; g. looked; h. am going.

ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা

◀ Right forms of verbs -22