ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - ইংরেজি | A Day in the Life of Mina - Read the conversations

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

Adjective ব্যবহার করে Mina কে বর্ণনা করো

Read the conversations and describe Mina using adjective.

নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো এবং Adjective ব্যবহার করে Mina কে বর্ণনা করো।

Situation 1: Asking for a pen

Sabuj: Hey, Mina. Can I have your pen, please?

Mina: Yes, sure. Here it is. Please take it.

Sabuj: Oh, Mina. Thank you so much. You just saved me.

Mina: Mention not, Sabuj. It’s my pleasure.

Describe Mina with some adjectives in this situation:


Mina is well-mannered. She is caring. She is friendly and amiable.

Situation 2: Helping Grandmother

Mina: Grandmother, you look cold. Can I help you?

Grandmother: Yes dear. Can you bring me the blanket, please?

Mina: Of course. Here is the blanket.

Grandmother: Thank you, dear.

Mina: Ask me if you need anything else.

Grandmother: Ok, my dear.

Describe Mina with some adjectives in this situation:


Mina is caring. She is kind. She is also responsible.

Situation 3: Helping a beggar

A street Beggar: Hello girl, would you please help me?

Mina: Hello, uncle. How can I help you?A street beggar: I’m starving for two days. Can you give me some food?

Mina: Yes. Take this apple.

A street beggar: So kind of you, my dear. Thank you.

Mina: It’s my pleasure.

Describe Mina with some adjectives in this situation:


Mina is kind. She is helpful. She is also sympathetic.

Situation 4: Doing homework regularly

Father: Hey, Mina. What are you doing?

Mina: Hello, Dad. I’m doing my homework.

Father: You always do your homework regularly. That’s so good.

Mina: Thank you, Dad.

Describe Mina with some adjectives in this situation:


Mina is a responsible girl. She is attentive and sincere.

Situation 5: Feeding a Street Dog

Plabon: Hey, Mina. What are you doing?

Mina: Hi, Plabon. I’m feeding this dog.

Plabon: Aren’t you scared of dogs? They can bite you.

Mina: No, I think they are not harmful.

Plabon: I see. But I’m so afraid of dogs.

Describe Mina with some adjectives in this situation:


Mina is brave. She is kind. She is fearless.

ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা