এসএসসি ২০২২ - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | Fill in the blanks

Gap Filling activities without clues. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition, articles and zero articles.


Travelling has (a) beneficial influence on our minds. (b) human mind always craves (c) a change. This is afforded (d) travelling in new lands. There is none who does not feel (e) thrill of joy (f) the new sight of experience. Travelling gives us (g) opportunity to enjoy the most charming scenes of nature. Though it is (h) expensive, It can bring a change both (i) body and mind thus, travelling can help one to complete one’s knowledge and thus one can be (j) perfect man.

Answer: a. a; b. The; c. for; d. by; e. a; f. at; g. an; h. x; i. in; j. a.


Nowadays, parents are very conscious (a) the harmful effect of punishment (b) children. Child psychologists think that both (c) physical and mental punishments can be disastrous for (d) child’s growth and development. It may lead (e) fear and hatred of the person who punishes (f) child. Again if (g) child is punished, it may lack initiative. It may also feel hostile (h) others. So, rude (i) behavior gradually develops (j) him.

Answer: a. of; b. on; c. x; d. a; e. to; f. the; g. a; h. to; i. x; j. in.


Morning walk is (a) exercise suitable (b) the people of all ages. It gives us numerous benefits. The people who wake (c) early and go (d) for (e) walk, can enjoy fresh (f) morning air. Moreover, this exercise helps them maintain (g) good health. Again, they can make (h) good start (i) their work. To make life successful and fruitful one should cultivate this good habit (j) early life.

Answer: a. an; b. for; c. up; d. out; e. a; f. x; g. x; h. a; i. of; j. from.


It is useful (a) students to take part in social service. By taking part (b) social service, they can benefit, themselves as well as (c) nation. Student life is the period of preparation (d) future life. If (e) student do some social work. they will be better prepared for giving service. (f) the nation on (g) completion of their education. As the students have no family burden and as they get enough time (h) their long vacation, they can do (i) great deal of work for (j) people.

Answer: a. to; b. in; c. the; d. for; e. the; f. To; g. x; h. on; i. a; j. the.


Student politics hampers the normal progress of (a) student. It brings prosperity (b) a few but causes harm (c) many. Because of student politics normal administration of (d) college or university is hampered. As (e) result, there arises session jam. For this problem of the campus, student politics is mainly (f) responsible. So, we should rethink (g) the necessity of student polities. Either we should avoid (h) student politics or we should bring (i) a positive change (j) this sector.

Answer: a. a; b. to; c. to; d. a; e. a; f. x; g. about; h. x; i. about; j. in.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা

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