a. She quickly changed the children’s dresses and fled with the prince leaving her own child dressed as prince.
b. They bribed the guards and broke into the palace.
c. One day in absence of the king, his enemies plotted to kill the little prince.
d. A young mother with a baby was employed as the nurse to the new born prince.
e. Later, when the king offered rewards to this faithful nurse, she refused and killed herself.
f. Once, a queen died in childbirth.
g. The plotters murdered the child.
h. The nurse was warned just in time.
Answer: f+d+c+b+h+a+g+e
বাদল চৌধুরী, শিক্ষক, ঢাকা পাবলিক স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, ঢাকা