[পূর্ববর্তী লেখার পর]
Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
a. How was the day?
i. gloomy
ii. rainy
iii. gloomy and rainy
iv. bright
b. How was the road?
i. muddy ii. slippery
iii. metalled iv. muddy and slippery
c. How was the man?
i. short ii. slim
iii. small iv. tall
d. What was the old man doing?
i. sitting ii. walking
iii. sleeping iv. crying for help
e. Mina — the old man.
i. rebuked ii. harmed
iii. scolded iv. helped
f. Mina was —.
i. helpful ii. helpless
iii. coward iv. shrewd
g. Mina’s classmate was —.
i. wet ii. normal
iii. thin iv. angry
h. Mina gave her classmate a —.
i. pen ii. pencil
iii. handkerchief iv. a raincoat
i. According to the guard, Mina was —.
i. late ii. punctual
iii. slow iv. lazy
j. On a rainy day , Mina could not play. She was a bit —.
i. happy ii. sad
iii. upset iv. relaxed
a. iii. gloomy and rainy; b.iv. muddy and slippery; c. iv. tall; d. ii. walking; e. iv. helped; f. i. helpful; g. i. wet; h.iii. handkerchief; i. ii. punctual; j. iii. upset.
ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা
[পরবর্তী দিনের লেখা]