Prefixes and Suffixes (পর্ব ২) - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র | এসএসসি ২০২৫

পূর্ণাঙ্গ সিলেবাস অনুসারে

[এর আগের প্রকাশিত লেখা]

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.


Life without (a)         (sure)         and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b)         (charm)         if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c)         (beauty)         objects of nature. (d)         (monotony)         work hinders the (e)         (smooth)         of work. Leisure (f)         (new)         our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g)         (work) is (h)         (harm)        . Leisure does not mean (i)         (averse)         to work. It gives freshness and (j)         (create)         to our mind. So, we should (k)         (joy)         some leisure in order to get (l)         (revitalize)        . Otherwise, we will lose (m)         (vital)         to work. But leisure should be spent (n)         (please)        .

Answer: a. leisure; b. charmless; c. beautiful; d. Monotonous; e. smoothness; f. renews; g. overwork; h. harmful; i. aversion; j. recreation; k. enjoy; l. revitalized; m. vitality; n. pleasantly.


Those who lead a (a)         (luxury)         life, are always (b)         (different)         to the miseries of the poor. They enjoy life in (c)         (amuse)         and (d)         (merry)         . They are (e)         (centered)         people. They have little (f)         (realize)         of the (g)         (bounded)         sufferings of the poor. They remain indifferent to their (h)          (suffer).         They feel (i)         (comfort)          to work for their (j)         (better)         But if the (k)         (wealth)         people in society were (l)         (sympathy)         to the poor the society would assume a different (m)         (appear)        . So, what is most needed is moral and philosophical (n)         (elevate)         .

Answer: a. luxurious; b. indifferent; c. amusement; d. merriment; e. self-centered; f. realization; g. unbounded; h. sufferings; i. uncomfortable; j. betterment; k. wealthy; l. sympathetic; m. appearance; n. elevation.


The books of famous (a)         (write)          are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b)         (visit)         buy books of different (c)         (publish)        . Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)         (buy)         like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e)         (crowd)        . As (f)         (vary)         books are (g)         (play)         in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy their (h)         (choose)         books after a long search. This facility is (i)         (available)         in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j)         (come)         to the students. A book fair plays a great role in our (k)         (culture)         development by creating (l)         (enthuse)          among the readers. New (m)         (write)         also get (n)         (introduce)          to the readers.


a. writers; b. visitors; c. publishers; d. buyers; e. crowded; f. various; g. displayed; h. chosen; i. unavailable; j. welcoming; k. cultural; l. enthusiasm; m. writers; n. introduced.


King Solomon was (a)         (fame)         for his (b)         (wise)        . He was blessed with (c)         (ordinary)         knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d)         (imagine)        . One day, the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e)         (nature)         and the other was (f)         (artifice).         As he had a close (g)         (associate)         with nature, he had been (h)         (success)         to differentiate them. In this way, his (i)         (repute)         of (j)         (multidimensional)          knowledge spread all over the world. Very often people from home and (k)         (road)         came to visit him. People used to have (l)         (significance)         discussion with him. This discussion was not only (m)         (intelligence)         but also (n)         (interest)        .


a. famous; b. wisdom; c. extraordinary; d. imagination; e. natural; f. artificial; g. association; h. successful; i. reputation; j. multidimensional; k. abroad; l. significant; m. intelligent; n. interesting.

মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা