পঞ্চম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি | Rearrange (7-8)

পঞ্চম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা



a. is, favourite, what, your, dish

b. live, my, in, I, with, parents, Dhaka

c. should, good, you, eat, food

d. loves, read, Bithi, to, books

e. likes, visit, Raju, schools, to


a. What is your favourite dish?

b. I live in Dhaka with my parents.

c. You should eat good food.

d. Bithi loves to read books.

e. Raju likes to visit schools.


a. my, i, leisure, spend, gardening

b. game, what, you, play, do, like, to

c. often, how, watch, do, TV, you

d. are, candles, it, lit, on, the

e. hare, the, slept, an, for, hour


a. I spend my leisure gardening.

b. What game do you like to play?

c. How often do you watch TV?

d. The candles are lit on it.

e. The hare slept for an hour.

আমিনুল ইসলাম, প্রভাষক, উত্তরা মডেল স্কুল, ঢাকা