a. hare, there, once, was, a
b. you, to, happy, birthday
c. talking, to, she, mother, is, her
d. dream, Maria, a, has
e. game, what, you, play, do, like, to
a. Once there was a hare.
b. Happy birthday to you.
c. She is talking to her mother.
d. Maria has a dream.
e. What game do you like to play?
a. I, do, in, Sylhet, live
b. my, is, Mita, name
c. class, Rashid, is, for, late
d. would, oh, be, that, wonderful
e. is, Bithi, a quiet, person, not
a. Do I live in Sylhet?
b. Is Mita my name?
c. Is Rashid late for class?
d. Oh! That would be wonderful.
e. Bithi is not a quiet person.
আমিনুল ইসলাম, প্রভাষক, উত্তরা মডেল স্কুল, ঢাকা