ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - ইংরেজি | The Box Under The Tree - Making Meaningful Sentences

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

The Box Under the Tree

choose the correct words/phrases to make the following sentences meaningful.

tiffin, under, interested to, plays, usually, an idea, happy, follow, smile

a. Zahin —--- with his friends in the—---time.

b. Jamal—---watches his friends play sitting—---a Banyan tree.

c. Jamal is also—---play with his friends.

d. Zahin plans—---to make his friend Jamal—---.

e. We all should—---Zahin to make a friend—---.


a. Zahin plays with his friends in the tiffin time.

b. Jamal usually watches his friends play sitting under a Banyan tree.

c. Jamal is also interested to play with his friends.

d. Zahin plans an idea to make his friend Jamal happy.

e. We all should follow Zahin to make a friend smile.

ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা