Day 2: Explore ( ভ্রমণ করা) the Sajek Valley (উপত্যকা)
Enjoying the early morning view of the cloud of the valley from the resort.
8 AM: Breakfast will be served with Khichuri & Egg / Paratha, Egg, Vegetable & Tea.
1 PM: Lunch at a local restaurant with a standard (মানসম্পন্ন) Bengali menu (খাদ্যতালিকা/খাবারের পদ) at Sajek Valley.
5 PM: Enjoying mesmerizing (মন্ত্রমুগ্ধকর) sunset from the Helipad of Sajek. The view from the helipad (হেলিকপ্টারের ওঠা-নামার জায়গা) is something unique (অনন্য) & amazing (আশ্চর্যজনক).
Night, spent at the resort (সাময়িক অবস্থানের জায়গা) in a shared (কয়েকজন মিলে ভাগ করে) room.
Day 3: Alutila Cave & Risang Waterfall (জলপ্রপাত/ঝরনা)
Enjoying the early morning view of cloud (মেঘ) over the valley sitting in the resort.
8 AM: Breakfast, served with Khichuri & Egg.
9 AM: Starting for Khagrachori town by Chander Gari.
1 PM: Arrival at Khagrachoi town & lunch with standard Bengali menu.
3 PM: Visiting Alutila cave (গুহা) & Risang waterfall (জলপ্রপাত/ঝরনা)
You’ll definitely (অবশ্যই) love the Alutila Cave (গুহা) expedition (অভিযান) with a fire torch (মশাল) which will make you feel old stone (পাথর) age (যুগ).
8 PM: Dinner, served at a local restaurant in Khagrachori town.
9 PM: Leaving Khagrachori for Dhaka by Non-A/C Hino chair coach.
Cox’s Bazar Tour Package (03- Days/03-Nights)
ইকবাল খান, প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা