Arrange Characteristics - ইংরেজি, Opinion Matters | নবম শ্রেণি

নতুন শিক্ষাক্রমের নতুন বই অনুসারে নবম শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

1.3.2 Now, read the note on ‘Facts and Opinions’ again and choose the suitable characteristics from the following list and arrange them in the two columns below. Afterwards, share your ideas.


∎ Always true and can be proven

∎ An expression of belief (বিশ্বাস) about something

∎ Rely on observation or research (গবেষণা)

∎ Based on assumptions (অনুমান)

∎ Has credible sources like research, newspaper etc.

∎ The source of the information may be the teacher, mother etc.

∎ To me, walking is the best way to visit a new place

∎ My mother has a driving license (অনুমতিপত্র)

∎ Universal (সর্বজনীন)

∎ Varies (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া) from one person to the next

∎ Debateable (বিতর্কযোগ্য)

∎ Has the power to influence or persuade others

∎ According to ‘The New Nation’ the literacy rate…….

∎ Supported by evidence (প্রমাণ)

∎ Involves our physical senses, like hearing, seeing, smelling, touching or tasting. Add numbers as many as you need.

Answer:Try yourself