Gratefulness is the acknowledgement and appreciation of help received (a) others. In our society we cannot do all (b) things. Sometimes, we need the help of others. We are entirely dependent (c) Society. (d) man may be in danger or in problem (e) any time. It is a natural instinct (f) man to come forward to help (g) needy because of his fellow feeling, friendship and kinship. Gratefulness comes from (h) depth of heart and finds its manifestation in books, words and deeds of (i) grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged (j) the benefit he has received.
Answer: a. from; b. x; c. on; d. A; e. at; f. in; g. the: h. the; i. the; j. for.
(a) modern world is undoubtedly a world (b) computers. It has brought (c) a great change in our way of life. It works as (d) substitute for human brain. It has enabled us to perform any difficult work accurately (e) a few second in the field of medical science, printing, education, etc. Computers are doing (f) wonderful jobs. In the western countries, computers dominate every sphere of men's life. Our country is also gradually moving (g) a computer culture. It saves both our (h) time and energy. If we make (i) constructive use of it, it can render a great service (j) mankind.
Answer: a. The; b. of; c. about; d. a; e. in; f. x; g. towards; h. x; i. a; j. to.
মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা