Internet is (a) latest discovery of science. It is the greatest advancement in this field. It is computerized process with (b) telephone set. To get Internet connection, it requires (c) modem telephone line and a different sort of software (d) using the network systems. Nowadays, and Internet is of great use (e) us. It has made (f) world smaller and brought the world (g) our reach. We can get any (h) information in a very short time. It has not only widened our knowledge but also made us thirsty (i) the unknown. It’s a miracle (j) Aladin’s magic lamp.
Answer: a. the; b. a; c. a; d. for: e. to; f. the; g. within; h. x; i. for; j. like.
Learning a new language is challenging but is one of (a) most rewarding skills you can acquire (b) a lifetime. Learning is (c) continuous process. Learning (d) language depends (e) a process based on language skills. We need to practise four skills to learn not (h) rote but understanding. We know that (i) child start to learn its mother tongue by listening and lip-sing and then speaking. Native speakers learn their (j) language easily by listening and speaking.
Answer: a. the; b. over; c. a; d. a; e. on; f. a; g. by; h. by; i. a; j. x.
It is anticipated that (a) new century is now facing various challenges specially environmental disaster. Feeding the ever growing population is (b) first and foremost challenge (c) Bangladesh. It is very difficult to sustain the current level (d) agricultural production. Because our (e) agricultural land is being reduced due to human habitat, industrialization, river erosion, etc. Besides, we are losing our (f) forests gradually. Trees are being cut (g) indiscriminately resulting (h) an increase of pollution. So, it is imperative to cheek (i) reckless alarming condition (j) our own existence.
Answer: a. the; b. the; c. for; d. of; e. x; f. x; g. down; h. in; i. the; j. for.
মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা