ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র

Describing graphs and charts
প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি ১ম পত্রের Graphs and charts-এর ওপর কিছু নমুনা প্রশ্নোত্তর দেওয়া হলো।
5. Write a paragraph describing the information of the following graph.
The above graph shows the total numbers of SSC candidates in the year 2013. A total of 316376 candidates participate in the exam. Among them 157435 candidates are male. So the female candidates are the highest in number with a total of 158941 students. Students of three groups—Science, Humanities and Business studies take part in the exam. Among these groups Business studies has the highest number of students including 83547 male and 66941 female candidates. A total of 94806 candidates from humanities group take the exam of which 32276 are male and 62530 are female. In comparison to the other two groups, science group has fewer candidates for the exam. This group comprises of 71262 candidates of which 41612 are male and 29650 are female.

6. Look at the following bar graph/bar chart. It shows the numbers of mobile phone users among the people of Bangladesh in different years. Now, write a paragraph analyzing the chart.

The graph shows the numbers of mobile phone users among the people of Bangladesh in different years. Mobile has become a modern tool of communication nowadays. The number of mobile users is increasing day by day all over the world. Bangladesh is no exception in this case.
The number of mobile users is increasing in Bangladesh. Mobile phone has become a revolution in our country. The graph shows that 30% people used mobile phones in 2008. The figure changes in 2010 when 35% people start to use mobile phone. That is, after two years 5% mobile users increase. In 2011, 58% people start to use mobile phone. As a result, 23% mobile users increase.
In 2012 75% people start to use mobile. As a result 17% more people start using mobile compared to the year 2011.
Last but not the least, 88% people start to use mobile in 2013. Consequently 13% more people start to use mobile. We can summarize that in 2008 the percentage of mobile users was 30% where as the percentage rises to 88% in 2013. It gives a clear idea that in Bangladesh the number of mobile users is increasing day by day.

# বাকি অংশ ছাপা হবে আগামীকাল